Friday, November 13, 2009

Santa came to town

Well, Santa was in Springfield last weekend, so Faith just had to have a picture taken with him. Daddy wanted to but they wouldn't let me. My name was already in the naughty section I guess. Anyway, as you can see, Faith was eager to tell Santa what she wanted for Christmas. All she wanted was her two top front teeth. She already has the bottom two coming in. She also asked for a new television set for her room. Preferably big and flat so it doesn't take up too much space. She loves her veggie tales and they're even better in hi-def.

Faith really does have her bottom two teeth coming in. She likes to show them as much as she can. Grinning from ear to ear.

Faith likes to pick up her food and eat it. Here she is snacking on a few graduate puffs. They melt in her mouth and in her hands.

Faith and Mommy posing in her bonnet MaMaw made for her. We had Old Fashioned Day last Sunday at church. Mommy is wearing Grandpa Erwin's old Construction overalls.

Here we are playing peek a boo with Daddy. We loves us some peek a boo.
As you can see we are getting to be a big girl now. Faith is getting around pretty good on all fours. She will soon be walking. Right now she has to hold on to something to get on around standing up. It won't be long and she will be walking.

Love to all the family.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Yes, it has been six months and 8 days since Faith came into our world. We have been so blessed with her. She is our little angel. She has started to crawl and likes to pull herself up and chews on everything she can get to her mouth, even the cat has been mistaken for a chew toy. Though we have limited her to just petting now. She is obviously teething, lots of drool and chewing.

Faith hanging out at the park with Mom and Dad. Notice the earrings. She did very well. Only a short scream after the click went off in each ear.

Here we are all prettied up for church. She gets to hang out with PaPaw while Mommy and Daddy are in Sunday school. PaPaw loves it.
Feeding time. We have been eating really good. Not a picky eater at all. We have been letting her taste our food occasionally. We call her our little bird. Once we start eating her mouth opens up waiting for a taste.
She loves to pose for the camera. Here we are in our Sunday best.

Mommy and Faith posing. One of my faves.

I thought this pic was worth posting twice. This one is going on the wall.

As you can all see, all is well here at the Erwin house. For all the loved ones who have been waiting for this, I apologize. Try to do better from now on.


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Faith at 2 months old.

Faith is already 2 months old now, weighing in at an estimated 12 pounds. We go to the doctor the first week of June. She is doing great and so is Mommy. We went to Springfield last weekend with her and she did great. Our first major shopping trip. Mommy needed some scrapbooking supplies from Hobby Lobby. I enjoyed the road trip with the family and the food at T.G.I.Friday's. I can't think of any other place I would rather have been.

Faith posing in the cup for a pretty little pic. Judy Briggs provided the prop. Actually a flower pot.

Jenn and Faith at Wednesday night Bible study.

Bella Conyers just chillin in the little cup.

Daddy and Faith chilling in the recliner enjoying some nose tickling time. A sure smile getter.

This pic should go down in the record books for actually getting Big Brother's face smiling for the camera. A rare but beautiful sight. Mike has just recently come out of his camera phobia. Faith loves him.

Bella and Mommy.

Daddy and Faith posing in front of the new addition.

The Erwin family

Finally a new post.

Faith and Mommy sitting on the couch. She likes to sit up and be talked to.

Nap time.

Out little dumplin' sittin' pretty.

It has been over a month since our last post. Oh, how time flies. We have been doing great around the Erwin home. Faith is growing so fast. Helenea went back to work last week. She is only working three days a week. She couldn't stand to be away from Faith too long. I wouldn't have it any other way. God is good.

We have had trouble with one of our memory cards so, as of this moment, I am recovering some lost files on it. Isn't technology great!! When I get done with that I will have more pics to post from the past month.

Until then, I have a few pics of some owls that have nested in a tree by the garden at my Grandpa's house (a.k.a. The Rent house). This was the most amazing thing, besides the birth of Faith, our wedding night and I could go on but I won't. Anyway, a chick fell out of the nest and was in the lilac bush below and I climbed a ladder and put it back in.

I figured this was the momma owl. I am not sure what type they are. I am pretty sure they are Screech Owls. If you know different please tell me. I just know it's an owl. She watched me very closely as I put the baby back in the nest.
This one is the Daddy, I think. Isn't this cool?!?!?

Dad holding baby. Notice the ladder in the background I used to climb to the nest. Also, the garden is to the right.

One of God's gifts to nature. Praying for the health and survival of this little one. Be checking back in on these regularly. There was more in the nest. I couldn't see how many but they can't fly yet and this one was a little far from home too soon I would say.

Stay tuned for more from the Erwin's.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Easter with Faith Rylie and Family

Well, we have made it through our first holiday with Faith Rylie. Easter was great. What better way to spend it than with family and friends. We had a great Easter service. It consisted mainly of the choir singing praise. We practiced for several weeks on the special. I think it sounded pretty good.
Faith got to dress up for the occasion. She is beautiful all dressed up. She looks beautiful either way. But even more when she is in her Sunday best. Check em out.

Posing for the camera.Faith and Bella decided to dress alike on Easter. We didn't know anything about it til we got to church. They must have conspired and surpised us all. Aren't they gorgeous!!

Faith in her belly sleeping position. Never unattended. She has been getting her tummy time. This is where it ends most of the time. Snoozing. But she is doing good getting her head up and squirming around trying to crawl.

Britt and Faith.

Aunt Linda and Uncle Charlie held Faith most of the time they were here. This is spoiling in progress. Not a crime in our household.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Palm Sunday Dress

We dressed up for church for Palm Sunday. Aunts Tiffany and Brittany got this dress for Faith. They also bought another dress we will be wearing for Easter. We'll try not to get it dirty hunting easter eggs. Mommy and Daddy will help her find them. It may turn into a full contact easter egg hunt before Daddy's done. The ladies stuffed over 500 eggs with candy and money for the hunt this Sunday after church. You know we needs the money. LOL

We decided to change Faith's middle name to Rylie. Same sound different spelling.

Faith loves her little bouncy chair. It vibrates and plays music and Daddy does silly stuff for her to keep her entertained. Thanks Amanda, Fritz and Hannah.
All is well in the Erwin house. Faith and Daddy are a little gassy at times. But we usually get that taken care of so everyone can sleep comfortably. It's amazing what a little gripe water or Mylicon can do for Daddy (and Faith). If Faith gets to fussy Mommy takes her to the nursery so Daddy can get a little sleep. We will take turns when Mom goes back to work in May. I think she is ready to go back to work just to get out of the house for a while. She says she doesn't think she will be able to go without seeing her baby for a whole day. We will see how that goes when that comes. I told her she doesn't have to work that long. I can double up on job and try to get us by. I need to think about what I am going to do with my company anyway. Maybe hire someone to help so I can do more jobs.
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. -Phillipians 4:13

Saturday, April 4, 2009

What? Me, A Deacon???

Can you believe it, me, a deacon??? Well, believe it. God has called on me to serve His church here at Antioch. My good friend and fellow Christian Scott Conyers were ordained last Sunday night as Deacons of Antioch Baptist Church here in Flippin. Both Scott and I were kind of skeptical at first but we finally decided that it is God's will and there is nothing we can do about it. I am sure that Scott will be a great Deacon. He is a devout Christian and is always willing to help when and where he can. Both of us can vouch for great Christian wives there to support us through whatever may come.

Dad is also a deacon at Antioch. I am honored to serve as a deacon beside my father and friend.

To God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ for ever. Amen.-Romans 16:27

Life with Baby Faith

We have had a lot happen since our last post. Faith has adjusted well to her new home. Helenea and I have realized just how it is to be a parent. It isn't all just ga ga goo goo. There is a lot of wah wah and when you open those diapers you get a little more than just goo. No, but really, we don't know what we did before Faith and we wouldn't know what to do without her now. Faith went for her first week check up and she weighs 8 lbs.. If I didn't already post it, which I don't think I did, she weighed 7 lbs. 6oz. at birth being 20 inches long. So she is gaining weight. She should with as much as she eats. Mommy is being put to the test with her sleep at night. I try to encourage her as much as possible, as well as all our friends, not to give up on the breastfeeding. We won't regret it.

We like to hope that she will sleep like this at night very soon.

Aunt Rhonda came up from Florida to see Faith. We miss you and love you Big Sis. P.S., Rhonda accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior at church Sunday. May God Bless you in all you do. We pray that you will find a good church back home.

Papa Pete wasn't going to hold Faith until we sat him down and laid her in his arms.

Daddy and Faith. Isn't she just adorable?!?!?
We would like to thank all of you who have kept up with Faith and for all comments left. We would also like to thank those of you who have sent gifts. Faith won't run out of clothes anytime soon. She has a lot of clothes she will have to grow into since she is so small right now. She seems to be growing fast so we will be having little dress rehearsals before you know it. Stay tuned for more adorable pics.
In His Love,

Monday, March 23, 2009

Here is our litte bundle of joy showing us just some of her many faces.

We had lots of visitors in the hospital and we appreciate and love every one of them. Below are a few of the people who came to hold Faith. She was passed around most of the day. But she seemed to enjoy every bit of it. Sleeping through most of it.

Mamaw Erwin and Faith

Granny Light and Faith. She seemed to recognize Granny's voice.

Nikki and Faith. Nikki is like the Super Nanny of friends, giving great advice and encouragement to Helenea and I. She is also pretty quick on changing diapers. We love you Nikki.

My big brother Mike. He got a little emotional holding Faith causing me and everyone else in the room to shed a tear. This is his first niece on his little bro's side of the fam. I still get a little cracked up over this pic. Love you Bro.

Tiffany made this cute litte diaper cake. Plenty of goodies in it.

Mommy and Faith

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