Sunday, May 24, 2009

Faith at 2 months old.

Faith is already 2 months old now, weighing in at an estimated 12 pounds. We go to the doctor the first week of June. She is doing great and so is Mommy. We went to Springfield last weekend with her and she did great. Our first major shopping trip. Mommy needed some scrapbooking supplies from Hobby Lobby. I enjoyed the road trip with the family and the food at T.G.I.Friday's. I can't think of any other place I would rather have been.

Faith posing in the cup for a pretty little pic. Judy Briggs provided the prop. Actually a flower pot.

Jenn and Faith at Wednesday night Bible study.

Bella Conyers just chillin in the little cup.

Daddy and Faith chilling in the recliner enjoying some nose tickling time. A sure smile getter.

This pic should go down in the record books for actually getting Big Brother's face smiling for the camera. A rare but beautiful sight. Mike has just recently come out of his camera phobia. Faith loves him.

Bella and Mommy.

Daddy and Faith posing in front of the new addition.

The Erwin family


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