The nursery is almost finished. Helenea posed for me in front of my masterpiece. I searched the web for the animal pics and drew them with pencil then painted them. It was kinda neat, I didn't realize how easy it was. I do paint houses for a living but I have never attempted this. Since we don't know what sex the baby is we opted for the Noah's Ark nursery theme. Notice the puffy little clouds.
The stork after.
There is still some finishing touches that need to be done before Baby arrives. As you can imagine, we are both overwhelmed with emotions, as is everyone who has had their first child.
Anyway, we went to the Lamase class last night. The class was overbooked with 19 couples. We were all packed into one "living room" in a house the hospital had remodeled for such a class. But, they usually only have about half as many people. So we moved to the cafeteria in the hospital, took a tour of the rooms we will be occupying, and did some slow breathing techniques. They split us into two groups, so now we will be going on Tuesday night instead of Thursday. Got home around 9:00 p.m.. Right at bed time for us.
Those who enjoy something, or suffering something together, are companions. Those who enjoy or suffer one another, are not. --C.S. Lewis
Til' next time................
What an awesome job on the nursery! I new you were talented so I'm not completely surprised. Helena, looking good there all puffed out. It looks like you guys are having fun. -- Bruce
I love the room! You did a great job, Ryan!
Helena, you look great!
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