Saturday, April 4, 2009

Life with Baby Faith

We have had a lot happen since our last post. Faith has adjusted well to her new home. Helenea and I have realized just how it is to be a parent. It isn't all just ga ga goo goo. There is a lot of wah wah and when you open those diapers you get a little more than just goo. No, but really, we don't know what we did before Faith and we wouldn't know what to do without her now. Faith went for her first week check up and she weighs 8 lbs.. If I didn't already post it, which I don't think I did, she weighed 7 lbs. 6oz. at birth being 20 inches long. So she is gaining weight. She should with as much as she eats. Mommy is being put to the test with her sleep at night. I try to encourage her as much as possible, as well as all our friends, not to give up on the breastfeeding. We won't regret it.

We like to hope that she will sleep like this at night very soon.

Aunt Rhonda came up from Florida to see Faith. We miss you and love you Big Sis. P.S., Rhonda accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior at church Sunday. May God Bless you in all you do. We pray that you will find a good church back home.

Papa Pete wasn't going to hold Faith until we sat him down and laid her in his arms.

Daddy and Faith. Isn't she just adorable?!?!?
We would like to thank all of you who have kept up with Faith and for all comments left. We would also like to thank those of you who have sent gifts. Faith won't run out of clothes anytime soon. She has a lot of clothes she will have to grow into since she is so small right now. She seems to be growing fast so we will be having little dress rehearsals before you know it. Stay tuned for more adorable pics.
In His Love,


Leslie said...

She is beautiful!! I hope to get to meet her soon!
Also, congrats to Rhonda, that is wonderful news!

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