Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Annual Erwin Family Update

Faith & Bella eatin popsicles. They might be enjoying them just a little.
Faith's First School picture

For those who were wondering if we had forgot about our blog...... well you were right. Whoops. Anyway.....

Faith is now almost 2. 21 months to be exact. She is going to "preschool" learning how to say NO and MINE in just a few days. She also got her first real sickness, strep throat. It had to happen sometime. Enough of the negative. How bout some good stuff.

Faith has gotten so big in what seems like such a short time. Those with children know exactly what I'm talking about. It has been a wonderful roller coaster ride hearing her first words, watching her take her first steps, blowing kisses, learning how to spin around 'til we're dizzy (daddy's fave) and then going through the potty training, which is wonderful, no more diapers or pull ups.

We are currently adding on to the house in order to make room for any new additions to the family. I will keep you posted on that. "Til then.


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