Thursday, February 12, 2009


Well, today is the day that I was born in the small town of Smithville, Missouri 34 years ago. It seems like yesterday. The saying is true that time flies when you get old/older. Didn't do a whole lot today, just worked at UPS, renewed my driver's license, I thought about going to my other job but I didn't, my back is still hurting, didn't think I would be very efficient. I guess that is what happens when you get old. You pay for the torment you put your body through when you were younger. Oh, but was it ever fun!! Looking back now I wouldn't change a thing. I learned a lot from the fun I had whether it was right or not.

Anyway, hello out there, hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Guy, if you are reading this, we are thinking about you and pray for your safety over there in the Middle East. For those that don't know, Guy is on a secret mission, he is an undercover plumber plumbing the sand infested regions of Afghanistan. We love you man.
So, all is well here in the Erwin house. I have been trying to clean up the mess the ice storm left in the yard around here and at Mom and Dad's house. We had more limbs come down after the high winds came through the other night. The cleaning will continue for a while. There is not a tree in sight that did not receive some damage from the weight of the ice. That reminds me, I tried to hack my leg off with a chainsaw the other day. I only got four stitches out of it though. I have decided that was not a good idea and will not try it again.

Kinda reminds me of a clip from one of those Tim Burton films. Dark and gloomy.

Our friends Scot and Ann Conyers have a new addition to their family. Isabella Jolayne (sorry if misspelled) Conyers has arrived healthy and beautiful. We went to see them at the hospital and Helenea got to hold a baby for the first time. She will get plenty of that soon enough. Ann and Bella are doing good. Ann had to have a C-section and has healed up good from that. She was sore for a while. Helenea and I pray that she can have our baby naturally, but whatever is best for her and baby.

Helenea and Bella

Seeing the Conyers family with Bella has really sparked the reality of the life that Helenea and I will be living in just a few weeks. I look forward to what God has planned in our life. He has and never will fail us. With His love and the trust He has laid in our hearts we will always overcome what this world may put upon us.

So now, since we have been made right in God's sight by faith in his promises, we can have real peace with him because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.
Romans 5:1

The nursery is complete and ready for baby.


Leslie said...

Happy Birthday Ryan!

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