Sunday, February 22, 2009


Well, today our church family hosted a baby shower for Helenea and the gifts were awesome. Helenea was so overwhelmed, as was I. We just got done going through all of them and putting them in order. The amazing gift of giving; isn't it awesome? We have a lot of thank you cards to send out. Though, most of them can be handed out at church. I guess that is appropriate. I wouldn't mind saving the money spent on stamps to buy other much needed stuff. Especially since the price of stamps has gone up. Add it all up, it makes sense. Or am I just a little tight?

Helenea among the gifts. The rocking horse was made by Brother Robert Foreaker.

Looking pregnant and proud of it. She has minor back pain. I try to massage as much as possible.

Granny stopped by to see us.

Only a few more weeks to go. Helenea went to the doctor the other day and we found out that the baby is head down and she is dialated just a fingertip (less than a centimeter). So all is going well. We also had our last lamaze class last week. We learned a lot and got to meet some other couples, some of them I knew from Flippin.

By love serve one another. -Galatians 5:13


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