Thursday, March 5, 2009

It's Been Awhile

Hey all, please excuse the delay on posting. We have been pretty busy around here getting ready for Baby Erwin. We have great news, Helenea is dilated 1-2 centimeters and if she doesn't have it by the 20th the doctor is going to induce labor then. She is praying for the baby to come sooner because she is uncomfortable, you can tell by the look on her face that she is wore out. But even still, she says it is worth it all to be carrying our child. That's why I love her!! It will be good for her when baby comes because she will get to take a break for at least 6 weeks to stay home with baby. I am going to try to take off work as much as possible to be with her and baby.

We acquired so many gifts from the first baby shower I don't know where we'll put the rest of the stuff we are going to get from the others. There are two more to come. Friends from her work are having a shower and then after baby comes her Granny's church is going to have one. I say we have one every year for at least the whole the time the baby's in diapers. Probably wouldn't ever have to buy diapers. What a concept. Think that will work? I said that about our wedding shower and that didn't work, so probably not.

Here are a few of the handmade quilts the ladies from church made.

Mom made these (above and below).

Sister Sue Wagoner made this one.

Pat Hall (a member of our church) made this one.

There were several blankets, onesies, toys, a tub and various other gifts given. We have been blessed by our church family and our friends. They have given so much. There will be a day when they are in need and we will be there for them. GOD IS AWESOME!!

Bob Foreaker made this rocking horse for baby.

I have also added some paintings to the walls of the nursery.



And the sun.

We are looking forward to finding out what the name of our new baby will be. We have picked out both a boy and a girl name. We know what the names are. For the rest of you, that will be a surprise!!

Kind of off the subject, but.... We are facing some hard times in our nation right now and I have recently come across a prayer that one of our founding fathers prayed for our nation on April 30th 1789.

Almighty GOD; we make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy holy protection, that thou wilt incline the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to government; and entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow citizens of the United States of America at large. And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of The Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication, we beseech thee, through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen
- George Washington -
April 30th, 1789
George Washington's prayer was adapted from his Circular Letter to the Governors of the United States

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall opened unto you.
--Matthew 7:7


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